C O M M U N I T Y   H E A L T H   C A R E


The Maison du Père’s community health care service, which includes eight convalescent units, was set up in June 2013 in response to the growing number and complexity of the health issues facing the Shelter’s users.

Two major realities warranted such a service. First of all, current housing programs for short-term care provided by the health and social services network include certain requirements such as having an address, which excludes the homeless population. Secondly, because of their lifestyle, homeless people have trouble complying with the network’s formal and informal rules: valid health insurance card, showing up for appointments, following treatments, etc. 

In addition to providing emergency care at the Shelter and supervising convalescent stays, the Maison du Père’s clinical team gives medical examinations to all participants in the social reintegration program so that it can direct them promptly to the appropriate resources.


The intent of this project is not to have the Maison du Père replace already existing health services, but to develop links with professionals in this field in order to prevent major deterioration in the health of the men it supports and enable them to rejoin the health network.

These services are free. However, inclusion and exclusion criteria have been established for access to our convalescent services.

You can reach the Community Health Care team by dialling 514 845-0168, ext. 359 or by e-mail: unite.convalescence@maisondupere.org





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