R O B E R T   M A N N I N G H A M

D I R E C T O R   -   G E N E R A L   D I R E C T O R ,   A T E L I E R   H A B I T A T I O N   M O N T R É A L 


Robert Manningham serves communities that wish to improve their living conditions through harmonious sustainable development. Since 1987 he has developed, coordinated, and completed more than 130 community housing projects, amounting to over 3,500 different housing units.

He coordinated construction of the new portion of the Maison du Père.

Mr. Manningham is a member of the Board of Directors of the Réseau d’aide aux personnes seules et itinérantes de Montréal (an assistance network for persons living alone and the homeless in Montreal), and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Animation and Research from the University of Quebec in Montreal.